Friday, April 10, 2015

What's blood pressure?

Ok for all of you out there, I have a question for you.  I know you have been to the doctor a time or two and had your blood pressure taken but do you really understand any of those numbers the nurse reads off to you?  I know they can be confusing so let’s take a look at them and break them down a little.
Ok so the first number the nurse will tell you is the systolic number aka the top number.

“Wait a second there, the what number?  Sys something or other?  It still makes no sense to me at all.”

Well let me explain a little here.  It’s pronounced sis-tall-ick and basically means a contraction.  The systolic number is actually measuring the contractions of the heart. 

“Ok back that thought back up there.  Your heart can have contractions?  I thought contractions were only for pregnant women?”

Ha, ha that is where you hear that term most of the time, but yes your heart does contract.  The contractions your heart has, is like that of woman giving birth.  The contractions you heart has pushes the blood out of your heart into the rest of your body just like the contractions a woman has pushes the baby out of her body.  The normal systolic for blood pressure is 120 or below, borderline being 121-139, and hypertension levels at 140-180.  If you have a systolic number over 180 you need to seek emergency care ASAP as that is a very serious number especially if it stays at that level for more than 2 readings over the course of 15 minutes.

More attention is given to the systolic number due to the fact that it typically increases due to plaque build-up in the arteries, and increasing stiffness of the arteries especially as we age.  Once we hit the age of 50 doctors really watch for those factors to ensure we are living as healthy as we can in our later years.

“Ok so that makes a bit more sense.  So the top number tells the doctor how hard my heart is actually working every day.  I understand that but what about that bottom number.   What is it?”

The second number is the diastolic aka the bottom number.  Pronounced die-a-stall-ick it basically means drawing apart.

“What? How does my heart draw apart?  If it does that I’m in trouble aren’t I?”

Yes I know it sounds strange but if you think about it drawing apart isn’t really that bad.  It’s a relaxation of the heart muscles or drawing apart from one contraction to another.  It’s the time the blood is refilling the veins to be pushed back out again during the systolic phase.  The normal diastolic is 80 or less, 81-89 is borderline, and over 90 is hypertension level.  And, as with the systolic number, a dangerous level that needs to be checked out ASAP is anything over 110.

Ok so we have now armed you with some new information that you can take with you to the doctor’s office and then understand exactly what they are saying when they tell you that your blood pressure is 125/86.