Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Winter Weather


1.     Always use layers of clothing.  If you get too hot you can take a layer off.
But, layers are the better way to dress in the very cold conditions that a lot of states have during this time of the winter.

   2.     Work slowly when doing work outside in the bitter cold.  Even tho, it might not feel like you are working your heart while shoveling snow, you are. 

3.     Make sure and wear bright clothing when working outside.  If you are outside doing snow recreation fun, also wear bright clothing.  Bring along a buddy to be with you.  Hiking, snowboarding, skiing, be sure and have a person with you, in case of an accident.

 4.   Traveling?  There are a few things that should always be with you when traveling in the cold weather:  extra blankets, a flashlight with extra batteries, a first aid kit, flares, food, water, and a bag of cat litter or sand for the times you might need extra traction for the vehicle wheels.

Make a mental checklist before braving the weather, making sure you have all the important items you might need for that day.  Even a little extra is better, than not enough.  If you can take a friend with you, that is even better.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Happy Holidays


The holidays are almost here.  There are only 7 Fridays left before Christmas.

But, let’s remember that Thanksgiving is first. While we want 
to celebrate, we should always keep our thoughts on our health.  This means DO Not Over Eat or Drink too much. 

You want to be the best you can be for your family and friends. 

You especially Do Not want to drink and drive. 
It only takes one strong drink and you could end up 
having an unwilling drive to a permanent home. 

Take care of your body and you will have many days of health and happiness to share in your world.

From all of us – to all of you, Have the Best Holidays Ever.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Mini Thin

In Mini Thins????

Watch Out, all you drivers out there.  Are you driving for hours, then getting tired?  So, what to do?  Ah, I will buy some ephedrine mini thins, they will give me lots of energy so I can keep on driving.  But, wait, I am getting pulled over by a policeman, something is wrong, then I am getting a drug test done, and OHHH NOOO, I have tested positive for Methamphetamines.

Ephedrine is not legal in all states; it is only legal in 26 states.  Mini Thins have been found in truck 
stops, and if they are not taken by package directions, you could test positive on a drug test.

Ephedrine acts as a stimulant and can cause rapid or irregular heartbeats.  Because it’s legal, many people use it, thinking it is safe.  But, you cannot digest more than the package prescribes.

Some of the side effects of using ephedrine are:  heart rate and blood pressure can be increased causing dehydration and decreased circulation.  Complications from these may result in strokes and heart irregularities that can result in cardiac arrest and even death.

Users have also reported that a dependency can develop through regular use.

Ephedrine may induce an aggressiveness, anxiety and tremor which can lead to poor judgment, potentially placing you at risk of injury. 

This product should never be used by people with high blood pressure or any heart problems.

Information from

Wednesday, September 7, 2016



About every 40 seconds, someone is having a stroke in the U.S.  A stroke is a medical emergency, and must be treated as quickly as possible.  When the blood supply to the brain is blocked or a blood vessel in the brain ruptures, a stroke will happen. 


The most common of strokes is the ischemic stroke, which accounts for about 85% of all strokes.  This type of stroke is caused by blood clots, which can form either in the arteries which connect to the brain, or in the blood vessels.  Also, clots can be caused by fatty deposits within the arteries called plaque.


Blood vessels in the brain can rupture and spill blood out between the brain and the skull.  These ruptures can be caused by, hypertension, trauma, blood-thinning medications, and aneurysms (weakness in blood vessel walls).

Signs of stroke can be: loss of sight, being off balance, difficulty speaking, general weakness of the body, being confused of your surroundings, paralysis on one side of the body, and possibly death.


Keep the person as calm as possible and call 911.  Remember to stay on the line with the rescue team until authorized help arrives or they tell you to hang up.   

The most effective way to prevent strokes is through maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 
Information came from Medical News Today

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Dabbing Marijuana


Dabs, also known as butane hash oil, are created by using butane gas that is forced into a pipe and the flame extracts THC from the marijuana plant material. 

“There’s a big danger of fire even if they aren’t using some sort of heating device,” Stogner said, noting that butane gas can build up in an enclosed space during the process.  Producers of butane hash oil are at high risk, but so too are the people who get high from these substances, Stogner said.

Sometimes people will put dabs into an e-cigarette to be vaped. 

Parents need to keep the conversation open with their children and older teenage children, for this is type of drug is stronger and the young people might not expect the results.  Due to the big high that a person gets from dabbing, it does only last for a very short time, and because of this, it leaves the user wanting more.

Some facts and statements were taken from Web MD and Mr. Strogner

Monday, June 27, 2016


THE NEW SCARY DESIGNER DRUG, is like trying to get high off

It is called 2CI or smiles.  2CI first came to Europe in 2003 and just recently is now being seen in the United States.  A few states that this new drug has taken lives of young people are, New Jersey and North Dakota.  This newer drug is like taking LSD and Ecstasy at the same time.  According to Dr. Straytner, vice president of Caron Treatment Centers, says there seems to be some “misinformation” through chat rooms, facebook, and blogs, concerning this drug. 

“These kids are playing Russian Roulette,” Dr. Staytner says, “It’s like trying to get high off arsenic or rat poison.”

The newer drug is commonly mixed with chocolate or some sort of candy before ingesting it.

This drug has hallucinogens effects and also stimulating effects.  This is what draws the young people to it, it is the fascination of something different, or a young person who is depressed and needs to forget their problems. 

Taking this drug would make a person feel like they are invincible and what they end up with is a roller coaster ride with their minds, but, let’s look at what it can do to the body.  “It can cause elevated heart rate, high body temperature, your breathing can stop, shaking, growling, foaming at the mouth” says witness who have seen the effects.  Some other effects are fatal dehydration and stroke THEN DEATH CAN OCCUR. At this point no known users of smiles are still alive.

Information is from THE FIX and Dr. Straytner.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Heart Attack/Cardiac Arrest


Do you know the difference?

Heart Attack
If someone is having a heart attack, they will generally have chest pains, break out into a sweat, and feel light headed.  There are other symptoms to watch for.  A person could have, pain in the jaw, pain in the back between the should blades, and or pain in their right arm. 
A heart attack happens first; it is the beginning of a cardiac arrest.  It is a proven fact that if someone is starting to experience heart attack symptoms, they can be given two small aspirin, or one regular aspirin, unless they are allergic to aspirin, or have had a stroke recently. This will not stop the heart attack from happening, but, it will slow it down and give the person time to reach medical care.

Cardiac Arrest
When a person is in a cardiac arrest, they are, at this point, not responsive.  Their heart has stopped and they will not be breathing.  This is when CPR will need to be used.  CPR will help keep the blood and oxygen flowing through the body until the person starts breathing on their own, and their heart starts to function.  Most times, an AED will be used to jump start the heart. Medical care will always be needed any time that the heart is involved. 

Information from the American Heart Association

Monday, June 6, 2016

Being Hydrated


If you live in certain parts of Wyoming, staying hydrated might be a challenge.  Our summers do not always feel HOT.  We have this ongoing breeze that feels like it takes away the heat.  But in reality it is still hot. 

Thirst is the first sign that you need to drink.  “If you get thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.”
The average that a person should drink is 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day.  Wow, that sounds like a lot.  “For every pound of sweat you lose, that’s a pint of water you’ll need to replenish.”

Keeping the body hydrated helps the heart more easily pump blood through the blood vessels, which in turn helps the vessels to work a lot easier.  This helps your heart not to have to work as hard. 
 Signs of serious dehydration are leg cramps, feeling light headed, and perspiring to the point of your clothes being wet to the touch.  The quickest way to help a person in this position is to wet them down gently from head to toe with cool water and take off any extra clothing they would have on. Then, if you have a sports drink, that should be given to the person if they can drink.  If the person does not recover, then the emergency team should be called immediately. 

Information from the National Health Council and American Heart Association. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Legalized Marijuana

With the legalization of marijuana becoming more widespread, as more and more states are passing laws to legalize the use of recreational marijuana, the big question becomes……

Attitudes towards drug use can vary greatly, especially with ongoing changes to state legislation surrounding the distribution and consumption of marijuana. Some people are asking, is the war on drugs over? Has the time come for employers to relax their hiring policies, or even their random testing, to more closely align with the changing landscape of drug use? Here are some facts, which may provide clarity into these and other questions about workplace drug testing.

But remember, just because recreational marijuana is legal in your state, that does NOT mean that employers have to allow its use on the job or even on your own private time off the job.

Information and facts come from Bob McCormick on April 15, 2016 from Quest Diagnostics newsletter.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Acetyl Fentanyl - The New Drug

     Acetyl fentanyl is a powerful prescription painkiller called fentanyl.  This drug is being mixed with heroin as a painkiller.  Studies have shown that fentanyl is 15 times more potent than morphine.

     Some of the side effects of this drug include:  Mood Changes, Breathing Issues, Problems to Swallow and that makes it easier to Choke since you are Unable to Cough.

     Emergency room doctors may soon see larger numbers of patients who appear to have overdosed on heroin, but have actually taken the drug acetyl fentanyl.  Our emergency staff, which include, Firemen, EMS, and Emergency Room at the hospital use an anti-dote called, Naloxone.  Naloxone is given to those who over dose on heroin.  But, if a person takes the street drug fentanyl, the dosage of naloxone would have to be doubled in order to work as an anti-dote.  Unfortunately, this double dosage does not always work because fentanyl is so strong.

Legally, acetyl fentanyl is in a gray area, because it is packaged and labeled, “Not for Human Consumption”, which with this particular labeling, it is not regulated. This presents legal loopholes that drug distributors use to make a profit by mixing a highly regulated drug, such as heroin, with a less-regulated one, such as acetyl fentanyl. 

     So, how and why do people use this drug??

     For many people, opiate addiction happens when a person is injured or hurt badly and needs something to kill the pain.  Opiates are used as pain relievers that our doctors give to those who maybe have broken their leg or arm, maybe injured their spine or other parts of their bodies. Then, they begin to realize that these prescription pain killers make them feel good and relaxed.  But, when they can no longer get the drug from their doctor, they turn to the streets for this relaxed and no guilt feeling it gives. At this point, they are now hooked on these opiate drugs.

     How sad it is that so many of us cannot handle the stresses of today’s world that we just want to escape somehow.  Once we are addicted to opiates of any form, it is very difficult to break ourselves from them.  Withdrawing from opiates can be very hard because the symptoms can last for many weeks.  Some of the withdrawal symptoms include: agitation-having no patients with circumstances of life or people, insomnia-not being able to sleep well, muscle aches and pains, stomach cramps, nausea, diarrhea, and other flulike symptoms.  So, with all this going on in your body, you only just want to feel good again and so you go back to the drug that makes you feel better.

Many drug treatment centers specialize in providing medications to improve the comfort of those who are going through withdrawal related to opiate addiction.  If a person is more comfortable, there is a much more chance they will succeed in withdrawing from opiates.

Monday, May 2, 2016



What can a person look like when they are drunk with alcohol?

Let’s look at the Behavior of a person who has had too much to drink:

·         Stumbling and Clumsy
·         Lethargic
·         Agitated and easily distracted
·         Tremors

Then we also have the other ways of telling that someone is drunk, like Appearances:

·         Flushed Complexion
·         Sweating, cold, clammy skin
·         Large, dilated pupils, could have bloodshot eyes
·         Unkempt grooming

The other Indicator of Alcohol Abuse is in the person’s Speech:

·         Slurred and thick
·         Loud and Boisterous
·         Excessive talking
·         Incoherent

 The first thing that might become obvious immediately are the Smells:

·         Offensive body odors, both breath and the body itself.

·         Something to know:  a chronic drinker (one who drinks heavily daily), will sweat out the odor through his skin on a regular basis.  If a person goes out drinking for one night and gets drunk, he may sweat it out the next day.  The body processes alcohol using every organ in the body, so unless it is flushed out with lots of water, it will come out in sweat and odor through the skin.

If you are at work, or just out on the town, and you run into someone like this, you will know to start watching them for safety reasons, both yours and theirs.  Being around someone who could become violent, or make bad decisions, because they are not thinking clearly, can lead to physical harm.
If you are hanging out with someone you know is a drinker, these are some things to watch out for.

If someone you are around has any of the above actions, pay close attention; this could be important.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016



Spice and K2 are in a liquid form that is comparable to THC, the substance found in marijuana.  The compounds are then sprayed on plant materials, like potpourri and incense.  Synthetic marijuana is also available as a liquid for e-cigs.
 This creates a very easy pathway to overdose.  If the recommended dose of one drop doesn’t produce the euphoria desired, the user can simply up the dose by adding another drop.  K2 is more potent and less euphoric than marijuana.  The liquid for e-cigs is particularly dangerous.  The product is usually labeled “not for human consumption” to promote the “legal high” aspect.  They are often flavored with bubblegum, cotton candy, juicy fruit or any flavor that will appeal to the younger generation.  

Spice is simply a mixture of herbs that have a similar 
effect to marijuana, so it is legally sold all over the world.  It is attractively packaged in small colorful sachets, and marketed as a herbal smoking tobacco substitute or as a incense.  The product itself looks very much like tobacco or even potpourri.  In fact, Spice is often sold as potpourri, room deodorizer, or incense.  Even this pictured Scooby Snax Potpourri is Spice, and on the package it says, Not for Human Consumption.

Today, vaping the liquid form of synthetic marijuana, is increasing popularity in e-cigarettes, vape pens and hookah pens.  These chemicals are similar to natural cannabinoid found in marijuana, THC – tetrahydrocannabinol, but affect the brain, so they can have an effect similar to THC.  However, some synthetic cannabinoids are 100x stronger than THC and many operate on other brain receptors, too.    
This can cause a number of significant negative side effects including high blood pressure, blurred vision, heart attack, vomiting, seizures, hallucinations, and severe anxiety and paranoia.

Synthetics are not substitutes for the “classics.” 
The side effects are more intense and dangerous.  There has been an identified withdrawal syndrome associated with K2.  Some of the most widely reported Spice withdrawal symptoms include:
·         Gastrointestinal – vomiting, nausea, and diarrhea.
·         Metabolic – loss of appetite, inability to sleep, extreme sweating, craving for the drug.
·         Psychiatric – Depression, loss of motivation, psychosis.

When you put together the facts of more potency, less euphoria, and wide concentration swings, you get a wide range of adverse reactions.  If you use synthetic marijuana the same way you use natural marijuana, it could result in death!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

What's That Tickle in your Throat.........


The cough is an important defense mechanism, it expels bacteria, mucus, foreign substances, dirt or food, and helps clear the windpipe.  A cough may be dry, or it may expel mucus from the air passage.  Some symptoms that may occur with a cough include fever, chest pain, wheezing, sinus congestion, and breathing difficulty.
Coughing can cause stimulation of nerves in the larynx and respiratory tract.  These nerves can be irritated by infections, allergies, cold air, smoke, and other items in the air.
Smoking is the leading cause of the chronic cough.  But, there are other reasons as well.  A nagging cough can be from: postnasal drip, asthma, bronchitis, gas re flux disease, and treatment with ACE inhibitors. 

Viruses, Colds and the Flu are also common causes for a cough.  When Do I Start To Worry?
Warning symptoms that would require a call to the doctor would include:

·         Fever, especially if it’s high and prolonged
·         Coughing up blood
·         Shortness of breath
·         Chest pain that is not caused by the cough itself
·         Weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite
There are others, but these are the ones that are most common to look out for.

Over the counter cough medicines can help break up the mucus in the air passage (wind pipe), and this will enable easier breathing.  Some home remedies, such as, drinking warm fluids, and inhale warm moist air; like from the shower.  You can add some honey to warm tea, but never give honey to a child under the age of one year, as it can make them very sick. 

Yes, there are many ways to protect yourself from other people when they are sick.   Always wash your hands completely from the wrists to the tips of your fingers.  Even washing your face can help, but remember to keep your fingers out of your eyes. If you can, avoid the infected areas when you know someone is sick.  There are many over the counter medicines that can help to protect your body from the air borne viruses that are in the air.

Cover your mouth when you cough otherwise if you don't, you are spreading your illness around.  Dispose of all the tissues and other paper products properly that you use when you sneeze and cough.  You can also keep your hands clean by extra washing's (antibacterial soaps aren't necessary, just regular soap) so you will not spread the germs to your loved ones. If at all possible, keep yourself contained in one area of your home, as to keep the germs from flowing throughout the house. 

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Exercise a Way of Life


“What????  You want me to exercise?”

Your heart needs to have exercise, of some kind, every day.  If your heart lays dormant, it will not know what to do when a stressful situation arises.  “But, if you work out a little each day, your heart could be ready for that episode that might happen.”  

Regular exercise can help you:

Burn Calories, lower your blood pressure, and fight against heart failure.  Exercise can help with the fight against Alzheimer’s disease to colon cancer to Type II diabetes.  Think of it as Exercise Therapy, not a weight loss program, but a way 
of living. 

“But, I don’t like to exercise.” 

There are many different ways to exercise.  What sounds like fun?  If you cannot run, then walk.  If you can only stretch a little, stretch as much as you can. 

Dancing is a fun way to exercise.   There are all kinds of dancing video’s that can be bought that are not expensive.  Then you are not by yourself and it has the potential to be fun.

If you have a dog, then walk with your dog, your pet will benefit from this as well. Maybe, you can find some walking buddies that also need to be healthy.
Be sure and start out slow and gentle.  Let your body get used to this new routine.  Let your muscles rest after each work out session.  You will soon be on the road to a new healthier lifestyle.  You will find that you can breathe easier, move more gracefully, and not tire so quickly.

I have wanted a change in my life, but, I just wasn’t sure what that could be.  My body is where I live, it should be kept in good shape,  just for me

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Heroin, Middle Class Drug


You are probably thinking marijuana, but, no it is actually Heroin. 
Today’s typical heroin user is a middle-class suburbanite who started off with prescription painkillers. Heroin is just as easy to obtain as marijuana but has far more long term consequences of its addiction.

If you know of a heroin addict, they probably started down the road to addiction from the abuse of prescription narcotics such as oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and fentanyl (Duragesic).  Not realizing they are addicted, when they cannot afford or cannot get their prescribed medicine anymore, they switch to heroin.

Heroin is made from morphine which is obtained from the opium plant like most other narcotics.  When heroin enters the brain, it converts into back into morphine without the other effects of morphine.  This produces a surge of euphoria, or rush, and a warm flushing skin.  One, of several, side effects of heroin use is severe itchiness.  Heroin can make people think that their skin is crawling and itches which is why you see a lot of heroin users picking at their skin.  Other symptoms can be a person’s muscles become heavy and slow moving. 

Heroin users will alternate between drowsiness and wakefulness for several hours. This is referred to as being “on the nod”.  “On the nod” is not a medical term, you can compare it to a college student in a boring lecture who has his head down but is trying to stay awake-his head will nod and drop lower as he gets sleepier, and then his head will eventually jerk awake. Being “On the Nod” is the first step on a slippery slope toward overdosing.

Heroin goes by many names:
On the street, heroin may be referred to as “H”, “horse” “smack” “thunder” “junk”.   In some cases, the street word used may refer to the drug’s looks or chemicals, such as brown sugar, black tar or hell dust. Black-tar heroin comes from Mexico, which is the only country that produces it.  It looks like a black Tootsie Roll; when the drug is cold, but, when it is warm, it’s sticky, like roofing tar.

Heroin can be taken one of 3 ways:
·         Intravenously which provides the user with the fastest rush and greatest intensity of the drug.
·         Smoking: typically, with the use of a pipe but the effects take longer to reach the brain up to 15 minutes.
·         Snorting: typically, with the use of a straw and the effects also take longer to reach the brain up to 30 minutes.

Heroin acquired on the street can be very dangerous for most users.  That is because some dealers have been known to cut (mixed) with strychnine, rat poison, or other types of poison putting the user's life in danger.  Some dealers mix it with sugar, starch, or powdered milk to make it seem the drug seem weaker and causing the user to buy a lot more of it.