Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Heroin, Middle Class Drug


You are probably thinking marijuana, but, no it is actually Heroin. 
Today’s typical heroin user is a middle-class suburbanite who started off with prescription painkillers. Heroin is just as easy to obtain as marijuana but has far more long term consequences of its addiction.

If you know of a heroin addict, they probably started down the road to addiction from the abuse of prescription narcotics such as oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and fentanyl (Duragesic).  Not realizing they are addicted, when they cannot afford or cannot get their prescribed medicine anymore, they switch to heroin.

Heroin is made from morphine which is obtained from the opium plant like most other narcotics.  When heroin enters the brain, it converts into back into morphine without the other effects of morphine.  This produces a surge of euphoria, or rush, and a warm flushing skin.  One, of several, side effects of heroin use is severe itchiness.  Heroin can make people think that their skin is crawling and itches which is why you see a lot of heroin users picking at their skin.  Other symptoms can be a person’s muscles become heavy and slow moving. 

Heroin users will alternate between drowsiness and wakefulness for several hours. This is referred to as being “on the nod”.  “On the nod” is not a medical term, you can compare it to a college student in a boring lecture who has his head down but is trying to stay awake-his head will nod and drop lower as he gets sleepier, and then his head will eventually jerk awake. Being “On the Nod” is the first step on a slippery slope toward overdosing.

Heroin goes by many names:
On the street, heroin may be referred to as “H”, “horse” “smack” “thunder” “junk”.   In some cases, the street word used may refer to the drug’s looks or chemicals, such as brown sugar, black tar or hell dust. Black-tar heroin comes from Mexico, which is the only country that produces it.  It looks like a black Tootsie Roll; when the drug is cold, but, when it is warm, it’s sticky, like roofing tar.

Heroin can be taken one of 3 ways:
·         Intravenously which provides the user with the fastest rush and greatest intensity of the drug.
·         Smoking: typically, with the use of a pipe but the effects take longer to reach the brain up to 15 minutes.
·         Snorting: typically, with the use of a straw and the effects also take longer to reach the brain up to 30 minutes.

Heroin acquired on the street can be very dangerous for most users.  That is because some dealers have been known to cut (mixed) with strychnine, rat poison, or other types of poison putting the user's life in danger.  Some dealers mix it with sugar, starch, or powdered milk to make it seem the drug seem weaker and causing the user to buy a lot more of it.