Friday, August 8, 2014

Name That Drug

It is that time again . . . time to play “Name That Drug”. Okay, for those of you who don’t know how to play yet, I will give you a list of facts, signs and symptoms, other names and then, finally, I will tell you what the drug is named.  So let’s begin!

 Facts: This drug, just like many others, is made from a very common plant.  It was originally designed as a pain killer. However, this drug has proven to be a drug that is almost impossible to break free from its grip both physically and mentally. It is currently a worldwide multi-billion dollar enterprise covering all people of all ages and tax brackets.

 Signs and symptoms:  It starts out causing a short lived high followed by everything from depression to a craving for more.  Typically when used the person won't eat or sleep, and it can even make them feel paranoid or hostile when not high. Because of the lack of sleep, the user often starts to suffer from hallucinations, and they start to lose weight from the lack of food.

 Other names: Nose candy, dust, and snow.

 Any ideas?  This drug is derived from the coca leaves hence its name cocaine.  According to cocaine is the second most common trafficked drug worldwide and the number of seizures by law enforcement are increasing every year with the largest numbers seized from South America.  Next to meth, cocaine creates the greatest psychological dependence of any drug.  The body of the user develops a tolerance to the drug so quickly its harder for the user to get the same high every time, and are always having to up their dose to attempt the same high as before.  Cocaine is often mixed with other drugs, which only increases the danger to the user as often times mixing two different drugs can be fatal.  Women who are pregnant while using cocaine will give birth to children who are addicted to cocaine, and for those not addicted to the drug they are often underweight and born premature.

The facts in this posting were found on

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