Thursday, July 3, 2014

Name That Drug

It is that time again . . . time to play “Name That Drug”. Okay, for those of you who don’t know how to play yet, I will give you a list of facts, signs and symptoms, other names and then, finally, I will tell you what the drug is named.  So let’s begin!

Facts: This drug’s base was derived from a plant. This particular drug can be made into synthetics as well. These drugs were first introduced to the United States in the early 60’s, but were not widely used until the early 70’s. This drug often shows no outward signs that are negative, when in fact they can have very negative effects.

Signs and Symptoms: For lack of a better word, this drug makes people lazy and causes delays in their brain activity. It makes them compulsively eat. The effects of this drug often results in personality changes, as well as stunting a person reaching their long-term life goals.

Other Names: Cannabis, Pot, Dope, Ganja, and Hash

Have you guessed what it is? Yes, it is marijuana. And, yes, many people will tell you that there are no long term negative effects on a person. They are right in that there are no long term health damages identified. But the 2 – 4 hours during which this drug is in effect are very dangerous. It can make smart people do very stupid things. It has been known to drop brain function, and make people extremely slow to respond. At home, these effects may not seem too bad, provided they wear off over time. When someone gets behind the wheel of a moving vehicle, and their reflexes are not as sharp, this drug has had very deadly results. All it would have taken to keep this person out of harm’s way was to not smoke pot. Another reality for those who think legalizing it keeps you from being prosecuted - not when you are on the job or in a vehicle. Now you know why!

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